We aim to provide a well-managed facility for the study of the flora and fauna of Buffelskloof Nature Reserve and the surrounding regions, and to stimulate and encourage the study of biological sciences among tertiary students and secondary scholars.
A Photographic Guide to the Wild Flowers of Buffelskloof
Barbara Turpin
The aim is to document and illustrate every forb occurring on, and in the vicinity of, Buffelskloof Nature Reserve. This is a long term project attempting to documen t the 860+ forbs and geoxylic suffrutices found on or near the Reserve. Each taxon will be illustrated by at least three photographs showing its habit along with salient features and the accompanying text kept to a minimum. So far, the pages for 128 taxa have been completed and a further 189 are in progress. Initially, the guide will be in electronic pdf format, but it is hoped to publish hard copies eventually.